
I wish to all a very Happy New Year….be safe in all you do…

For me….I reflect….no resolutions just reflections….

How to be a better mom…..a better wife…..a better friend….a better sister….

And in all that I try to do….this year….2013….I want to be a better me…to take some time…..quiet time….for me…it is my goal…

and for my daughter….in 2013 I wish she will find the beauty inside of herself….to find her strength….her courage…and to know she is loved beyond belief….

She is after all….the greatest gift….

2013….I do believe is going to be a very good year….for all of us…

Hugs and kisses



When I leave work this morning….I begin 8 days off so I wanted to post a little something….for those of you I adore….my Gracie….Saffy….Desay….Paul….I know I can catch you on Facebook….but I miss reading you….yes Gracie you still stimulate my senses….lol…but I miss the heart of the rest of you….

Anyways….my life is still busy….but my heart is sad….I have been very affected by the events in Connecticut last week….my heart just hurts for all of those families….I find myself crying for them….I look at their pictures….I read about them….then I go home and hold my daughter closer….and I pray….sending my love their way and thanking Him for the blessings in my life…

Christmas approaches next week….we all celebrate differently here and there….but to me….I dont mind the differences in all of us…I am blessed to know all of you….we never know about this world we live in….so never be afraid to speak your heart….I am truly blessed with my family….even though I still miss my mother so very much….but I am also blessed by you guys….I love you dearly…

I came by WordPress tonight….not so much to post…to read a bit though….try to escape my tears….think of my blessings….and I went around to a few blogs and I kinda just got disappointed…one guy who was not a Christian so he didnt celebrate Jesus…which is ok to have your own belief…but he put up a tree and was giving thanks to the tree??? WTF I say…seriously….a tree?? by all means be thankful for the beautiful nature of this earth but your gonna blog about giving homage to a tree during the holiday?? it just annoyed me…must be the menopause I guess….lol….

then I found as I ventured….so many lost souls out there….wasting and whining about love gone bad or other silly things and I thought to myself….its good to cleanse our hurting hearts and minds….its good to share it with those around you to find comfort in words of others….but ok….I have read the whining for weeks…I just dont have time for that….you want to live in a dark hole forever….please…there is so much other more hurtful and dark things out there…..so much pain….people with illness….people losing their children suddenly….children hungry or with no homes….I cant read about your love life anymore and the trips down vodka lane….I understand it….I have been there…but put on your big boy panties and find something to bring your life some meaning….this life is so short….dont waste a moment…..live …..

Its the holiday season….I am blessed beyond words….I love with every fiber of my being even when I get angry or sad….I love you my friends….I miss you….

Happy Hanukkah
Merry Christmas
