Moving On…Again


Photo credit is of course one of my faves from Stephen Hanks called “Moving On”

First I’d like to say I hope everyone had fabulous holiday season…may the New Year bring us all peace and happiness…


I haven’t been here much…just living life…watching days go by…seasons change…getting older…

You find yourself content yet yearning…wanting…longing for more..

I felt lost for awhile…unhappy with the person I had become…no longer the chaser of longer living the dream…


I found an old friend…one that brought light to my days….smiles to my lips…

I felt alive again…spilling my heart…likeĀ a young girl….comfortable…then…

The secrets…the untruths…the mysteries…they always reveal themselves…

I am not regretful…sometimes opening ourselves….opening our hearts…brings us back to a place we had forgotten…where smiles and love filled our hearts and our days…

We move on from what held us back….

We move on from the dark cloud on our heart…

We move on and find ourselves again…

We smile…and await the next part of our journey….with hope and anticipation…

Welcome to 2017 my friends…

We are “Moving On”..