
This past weekend was so busy….it flew by…so quickly…

Sometimes when we are in a hurry….we forget the little things…

We rush….

We grab our things and finish our drinks…

We say our goodbyes….wave to others on the way out…

We drive off….quickly heading our own way….

But we have always been told to slow down….smell the “roses”…hehehehe


So I am thinking……

We should all…..



Close our eyes….

Feel the breath on our cheeks….

The wind in our hair…

The soft touch of fingers….

Tracing small circles….

Around our breasts…

The tingle that follows…

The wet warmth….

Of tongue…

Parting our lips…

Tasting us…

Feeling our heartbeat…


Our hips…


Our legs…


Our soft moan…

Escape our lips…


While we still have time…

I think….

We should….


Dont you???


Just something to kinda give ya a “rush”….smiling