Summer 2013

my baby

May went by so quickly….horse shows and recitals and end of school….but now….summer….

I have a love-hate relationship with summer these days…..she is gone so much to her dads which I hate….but when she is home and we enjoy the warm days….I love it..

We have vacation coming up after the 4th….and on the 9th of July….she will be 10….I cant believe my baby….double digits….10…

I am taking two friends with her to see One Direction outside of Chicago….they are so excited…planning on their outfits already…I find myself excited too….remembering wayyyy back when to my first concert…to experience it with my daughter…well…its just an amazing feeling when sharing something with a loved one….it really is…

So….a busy summer….horse camps and swimming and birthdays and concerts….vacation on Mackinac Island where the only transportation is by bike or horseback or horse drawn carriages….we are taking the puppies so oh my….what a fun time…lol

I watched a movie recently….I thought it would be a silly movie but watched it anyway….I ended up crying like a baby at the end of it….along with several times throughout it also…

the movie was What to Expect When Your Expecting….and one of the mothers….had all the problems of pregnancy…the gas…the backache…the nasty….she said she kept waiting to feel that glow….that glow women speak about when they are pregnant and that people comment on seeing in their faces….she had to have a C-section in the end…then she lost a bit of blood and almost died….but when she opened her eyes and held her little baby boy….she said to her husband…what a beautiful experience….she had finally found her glow….her perfect little glow in her arms…omg…I cried…

Makes me feel blessed….I too have a glow….even when its difficult….busy…overwhelming…every time I see her smile…I feel it tug inside of me….she is my glow…

So I raise my glass to Summer 2013….my glow will be 10….may all your dreams come true too….