First Fall



I made this blog private tonight….I just want to write for awhile to my daughter….things one day she can read and remember….like just last Tuesday….February 12th, 2013


Two and a half years she has ridden….sometimes the ride is bouncy…sometimes a bit scary….at least for mom….but she has always had or found the perfect balance…to stay in step….to hold on to whatever happens…

That night was different..I seemed to even feel it….she kept adjusting her foot in her stirrups…things just seemed off….but there she was…posting trotting around the arena…then in a flash of a moment…Klondike seemed to perhaps trip?? his head went down and she in her upright posting position….went tumbling forward….heading to the ground…

Sometimes as a parent we seem in slow motion….we want to be there so fast…to reach out and catch them…but its just too late…they have to hit sometimes I guess….but gosh…she hit so hard…the tears filled her eyes….covered in dirt….nothing broken….no blood….

so she gets up….after being checked out by the owner who came over to see her…I watched with nervous admiration….my daughter…pick up the reins and walk it out with her horse….tears flowing down her cheeks…but picking up and moving forward….slower…wiser perhaps…

then…she got back on…I had asked if she wanted to…maybe she would want a break but then there she went…back up into the saddle….she didnt pick up the pace but she walked…around several times….reforming trust with the horse….and maybe reestablishing some courage in herself??


I hope she goes at life this way….tearful…hurt…moving forward and doing it again….

Its something we can all hope for our children….every wonderful ride….has its ups and its…falls…

Proud mother…

Do You Remember….

snowy k

Do you remember when you loved snow? The smell of it in the air….the beauty of it on the tree branches…the feel of it on your skin…

Since moving to the frozen tundra a few years ago….I had forgotten…I was so nervous about how to handle so much snow…how to drive in it and get around..I simply forgot the beauty of it…I was reminded today..

It warmed up here a bit today….heading towards 30 degrees….heat wave actually..the air becomes so fresh smelling…the smell of pure snow…and then it began to pour from the sky…I took our puppies out and watched as they buried their noses in it….ran until they were wet with it…and I found myself laughing…

Then my princess K got home from school….then my husband…they headed out together to plow and shovel….I cooked dinner…I looked outside….the snow still pouring from the sky and I saw her…my K…her shovel in the ground beside her…just laying back on a snowbank and staring into the sky….the snow falling onto her face….tossing snow into the air…I smiled so big my lips hurt….the simple pleasure….I yelled her name and took the picture you see above…it was dark so its a bit fuzzy but I think from her smile you can see how happy she is….

then it was time for hot chocolate and drying out and cuddling under a blanket and hoping upon hoping they call off school tomorrow….course up here in the frozen tundra…that rarely happens….but its always nice to dream….


Do you remember those days…..simple pleasures….laughter….love…all from the cold wet touch….of a flake of snow….

Stay warm