
I love the holidays…I love my family….my friends…the smell in the air…the good spirit shared by all….the decorations…the taste of pumpkin pie…all the memories of past holidays….all the dreams of future ones…and mostly I love the look in my daughters eye….every single day…

So many are struggling out there these days….trying to hang on to jobs…facing illness and the challenges that brings…these things change our lives and our perspective on what is important in this life…my heart goes to all of them and hope they find their way and cherish what they do have…life is such a blessing even when it may be hard to see and understand at times…


So…my list of important things and blessings??


This Thanksgiving….my mother is now living closer to my family….she is happy…and I am thankful….


My daughter is happy….singing daily….eyes shining….and I am thankful…


My love….his heart grows with mine each day as we venture to new heights as a family….and I am thankful….


My friends….each with their own beauty….their own challenges…I admire their strength through it all….and for their presence in my life….I am thankful…


For Wisconsin….my home….skies bluer than I have ever seen…people friendlier than I ever expected….and wind colder than I have ever felt….lol….yet even so….for my home….I am thankful…


For the hope….the faith….the love….I am thankful…


Happy Thanksgiving my friends…. 

Be safe…see you next week…


4 thoughts on “Thankful

  1. Greeneyes says:

    and i am thankful for you my dearest friend…..thankful that your new home is one that has become family…..and well, Wis CON sin…. it might get cold in the winter but spring is close by ….and so is he….. your princess is happy ….life is good for you…and i am thankful that your dreams did come true…. Happy Thanksgiving Rose….kiss kiss

  2. Jaymie says:

    Wonderful…and ditto. I’m thankful for all of it.

  3. Shadowplay says:

    What a joy to read this, the night before Thanksgiving! I think your good vibes are contagious! Wishing you and yours all the best… 🙂

  4. saffy says:

    Hope you’re making the most of your time away & savouring the moments…~hugs~ xxx

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